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1550 AM Bluegrass Radio and Music WIGN
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Bobby – Village Discount Drapery NEW

Stream Status: Online
Source Connected: Yes
Station Time (USA New York EST):
Feb 16, 2019 07:13 PM

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1550ambluegrass wign

1550 AM | 92.1 FM Local
24/7 Online Streaming Worldwide
Bristol, Virginia / Tennessee (VA / TN)

Current & Recent

07:09 PM
Village Discount Drapery NEW
May 2016
07:08 PM
Window World NEW 8312016
07:03 PM
I Want To Stroll Over Heaven
IIIrd Tyme Out
06:53 PM
We Can Sing
Joe Mullins & The Radio Ramble
06:46 PM
I Love The Lord
The Narrow Way Quartet

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Enter your zip code OR address to determine your distance to the station. In some cases, your general relative location may automatically load for you. We currently have coverage about 80 miles from the station (see the map to the right showing the relative service area for Local AM Reception). Listen Live Now on our website, however, 24/7 worldwide!

      Our Relative Local AM Service Area
      Local AM Reception is currently about 80 miles from the station located in Bristol, VA USA. Remember, though, now you can Listen Live Now on our website 24/7 worldwide as well.

      Local AM Reception?


      Tower Radio

      How do you get the best local AM reception? If you are trying to listen to an AM radio station that does not broadcast in your direction, chances are very slim that you will have much luck. Also, if your antenna is not directed correctly at the signal coming your way, you will also experience bad reception. Ideally, your antenna should be at right angles to the AM signals coming toward it. Think of it in terms of trying to hit a baseball with a bat. Even if you are a great hitter, it is difficult to hit a pitch with the narrow tip of the bat. Sure you might come close, but you will never make a good solid connection. The same is true with radio signals that are not hitting your antenna. Try rotating the radio in a circular fashion, and maybe even relocating the radio to find the best reception.   The AM antenna is actually inside the Receiver. The long ‘pull-out’ antenna is for FM.

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      Would you like to explore the possible opportunity to Advertise with Us? Click here to see our pricing and plans today.

      Email OR Phone Us

      Email Us (click here) 276-591-5800

      Mailing Address

      1550 AM Bluegrass | WIGN P.O. Box 68 Bristol, Tennessee 37621

      Office & Studio

      1550 AM Bluegrass | WIGN 903 Island Rd Bristol, Virginia 24202 See Map/Service Areas

      About Us

      We are excited to bring to you 1550 AM Bluegrass Radio & Music by WIGN. We are the only AM bluegrass gospel station in the nation streaming live 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Now everyone can enjoy our picking and preaching wherever and whenever it is convenient. You may listen in a variety of ways on any device with one of our online players. Our main objective is to be a light to a dark world. We believe there is no better way to do that than with bluegrass gospel music and Bible preaching. There is no better music to get addicted to than bluegrass gospel. We hope you enjoy, get addicted, and share with others.

      May the Lord richly bless you,
      Dewey W. Williams, Owner

      Parkway Auto Sales

      Roan Street Motors North
      2921 North Roan Street
      Johnson City, Tennessee 37601

      Parkway Auto Sales

      Roan Street Motors North
      2921 North Roan Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 | 423-952-2277 | Contact Us Form |

      Empire Ford

      Empire Ford
      106 Old Jonesborough Road
      Abingdon, Virginia 24212

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      660 7th Street

      Bristol, TN 37620

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      1550 AM Bluegrass | WIGN
